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President and assistant of leading Georgia massage school were present at 15th annual LOHAS Forum

Leticia Allen, president of Atlanta School of Massage, the leading Georgia massage school, and her assistant, Edie Morton, attended the 15th annual LOHAS Forum in Boulder, Colorado. LOHAS – Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability – focuses on educating and building community around the central theme of healthy and sustainable lifestyles for individuals and societies. LOHAS market sectors include Sustainable Economy, Healthy Living, Alternative Medicine, Personal Development and Ecological Living.

LOHAS speakers, panelists and attendees included CEO’s, organic farmers, award-winning authors, green spa founders, social media strategists, futurists, and trend specialists. The event was a non-stop dynamic immersion in inspiration, connections, story-telling, and education.

The responsibility we have as stewards of the earth to live within our means, without compromising the needs of future generations, is a motivator for Atlanta School of Massage President Leticia Allen. Atlanta School of Massage promotes the natural connection between personal well-being, economic sustainability and the health of our planet. “Environmental, social and economic sustainability education offered at Atlanta School of Massage gives our graduates an opportunity to be change agents in the massage and skin care industries,” said Allen.

During the conference, Dr. Jean Houston, one of the foremost visionary thinkers and doers of our time, asked the simple question, “What is the world you would like your grandchildren to inherit?” Dr. Houston conveyed that the emerging re-genesis of society will call for a new type of culture; the culture of kindness. Through her research in 107 different countries she states that 70% of the leaders today are female. She notes that these women are the ones responsible for sustaining communities. She emphasized that a new partnership between men and women is required in addition to heightened creativity and outside-of-the-box thinking being imperative for the restoration of the biosphere.

Casey Sheahan, CEO of Patagonia and keynote speaker at LOHAS Forum 2011 presented Conscious Leadership Is an Inside Job. In his presentation, he stated, “Personal transformation is required for transformation in business”. Sheahan explained how “being green and being socially responsible are essential now, but it has become equally important to lead with mindfulness, compassion and soul. What’s true in the macrocosm for companies is true in the microcosm for its leaders.”

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