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One of Atlanta’s Top Massage Therapy Schools Offers Advice On the Use of Self-Care To Help Clients Get Through the Time Period Between Massage Therapy Sessions More Comfortably.

ATLANTA (January 16, 2006) – Atlanta School of Massage, a leader for over 25 years in massage education and the Massage Care industry, promotes the idea of self-care during the periods between Massage Therapy sessions. Although a Professional Massage is the most effective means of easing muscular pain and tension, self-care tools are a great way to help lessen the pain between appointments. There is a wide array of highly effective, simple to use self-care tools available from the Atlanta School of Massage gift shop, Body Benefits, in Atlanta, Georgia and they can also be found on the Internet.

Many of the self-care tools available target trigger points, tender spots in tight bands of muscle in the body. These areas of tenderness may occur in the affected muscle, may cause additional areas of tenderness, or may cause pain to occur in other muscles of the body. The following web sites provide further information about trigger points and offer self-help tools that target pain associated with trigger points:;

There are also many ergonomically designed products that help to promote a healthy back and body. These products include items such as body support pillows, laptop tables, zero gravity chairs and orthopedic back supports and can be found on web sites such as: Additionally, you can find pain remedy products that provide temporary relief from many types of pain on web sites such as

Because the benefits of Massage Therapy are now widely understood, an ever-increasing number of companies are offering more effective and technologically advanced Massage Therapy products and services. By utilizing all available resources, living pain free can actually become a reality.

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