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  • What is your name?
    • Hope Skapinetz
  • How long have you known that you wanted to be an esthetician?
    • 20 years
  • How did you first get your toes wet in the aesthetics field?
    • While still in school graduate services got me a part-time job at the EO Inn in Orlando Fl, a boutique hotel that had a spa. 
  • Where did you go to school for aesthetics?
    • Florida College of Natural Health, AS in Natural Health concentration in Paramedical Skin Care
  • How long have you been an instructor/working at Atlanta Institute of Aesthetics?
    • 2010
  • What is your favorite class/module and why?
    • It’s hard to narrow it down to one; the integumentary system is one of my favorites. The skin is our largest living organ. It’s fun to teach the fundamentals of the skin on a cellular level.  Having the opportunity to see the students understand the physiology and histology of the skin is exciting.
  • Who is your favorite instructor and why?
    • My favorite instructor is Mrs. Christine Dunn. She inspires me every day. Since I graduated practically every day at work, either in the treatment room or classroom, I think of her.  She taught me everything she possibly could think of to help me succeed.
  • What is your favorite aspect of being an instructor?
    • To share my passion and knowledge. To inspire them to be better than me. To always continue to raise the industry standards. To never let anything get in the way of their dreams and to never give up.
  • What was the best advice you ever received when you were in school?
    • That’s are hard question…..I’m going to say the importance of product recommendations. It’s the old adage 1:30 ratio. A professional facial treatment once a month will not get the desired results. What is the client doing the other 29-30 days out of the month? You want to make sure the client has the proper home care to achieve their desired results.
  • What do you think is the most important thing for students going into the aesthetics industry to remember today?
    • What you put into it is what you get out of it. It takes work and determination to be successful in this industry.
  • Why do you think Atlanta Institute of Aesthetics is the place for people seriously considering going into the aesthetics industry to get their foundation?
    • The curriculum is thorough and very structured. Our number one focus is student experience.
  • What makes you passionate about this field?
    • Having the opportunity to help people is very rewarding. Patients and/or clients are always extremely grateful for the experience. But they have no idea how much fun and rewarding it is for the therapist to see their clients feel better.
  • What is the most important thing for aestheticians to remember even after they are licensed and certified?  
    • The industry is always evolving. Therefore make sure to continue to nurture your education. Never forget knowledge is power. Maintain your professional integrity. Remember that you represent a whole industry and continue to raise the standards.
  • What is one common misconception about the field?
    • That all we do is put creams, lotions and potions on the face. It’s much more than that.
  • Is there anything else you want to share?
    • Being an aesthetician is loads of fun. It’s a wonderfully rewarding career with many different avenues.


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Day Program: September 10, 2024
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